Israel is not interested in peace, only in the process

Israel uses peace negotiations to blame the other side for its intransigence when the negotiations inevitably break down due to Israeli arrogance.

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Israeli counter-arguments to above objection


This could have been said back in 1977 as well, as a reason for Egypt not to talk to Israel. But despite great difficulties for Begin (to sell the idea of withdrawing from the entire Sinai), he did find the way, and he did make peace. He, and Israel, were very interested in peace and not only in the process.

Itzhak Rabin was the same. He made peace with Jordan.  He tried to make peace with the Palestinians.

Sharon was a man of action more than of words. He forced Jews out of Sinai, and 25 years later forced Jews out of Gaza. He was going to do the same in the West Bank. That’s what he was elected to do, by the majority of the Israeli people, who wanted peace not just a process.

If Netanyahu was only interested in blaming Syria, why should he offer to sit at the negotiation table without preconditions? Why not simply demand, as Sharon and Olmert did, that Syria first “flip”? And as long as it doesn’t, he could always blame Syria.

There’s every reason to believe that Bibi knows his government is the only one that can make Peace and, therefore, that he is interested in achieving it.


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