Syria’s regime is not actually interested in peace

The Baathist regime survives on perpetuating a state of emergency through its “war” with Israel. Ending the war will remove the state of emergency and threaten the regime’s legitimacy, especially in the eyes of Syria’s strongly pro-Arab nationalism Sunni population.

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Syrian counter-arguments to above objection


The same thing was said by Israel about the Egyptian state — “it is illegitimate and keeps itself in power by emergency laws that can only be justified through war with Israel.” This argument turned out to be pure propaganda. Sadat made peace with Israel and the Egyptian state survived happily and prospered. It has been the staunchest ally of Israel in the region. It has practically gone to war against Hizbullah in Israel’s support. Egypt heavily polices its border with Gaza so that arms cannot be smuggled in for use against Israel.

The same argument used against the Syrian state is no less propagandist and wrong. Contrary to what Israel’s Foreign Minister once arrogantly stated, a war with Israel cannot topple the Syrian regime. Peace with Israel will certainly not topple it either.

The regime’s evident popularity among Syrians derives from the stability and security that it provides Syrian society. This security is all the more prized by Syrians since George Bush made such a mess of Iraq in his effort to undo the Iraqi state. Lebanon, the other example of “democracy” in an Arab country has had little respite from civil war and ineffective government. Syrians are not convinced that US mandated “democracy” is right for them today.

If Bashar Al-Assad can win the Golan Heights back, he will be hailed as a hero by Syrians. Syrians and Assad are not adverse to peace with Israel. They just want international law to be satisfied and a modicum of justice to be observed. All Syrians look forward to peace dividends. They want to prosper and provide better lives for their families. They believe peace in the region will help produce this. Assad has every interest in bringing prosperity to his people. It is his stated goal – as is peace with Israel. There is no reason to disbelieve him.

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Former and existing heads of Israeli intelligence (IDF and Mossad) have unequivocally stated that Syria is serious about peace. For Israelis, what better assessment or analysis of Syria’s true intentions do they need?

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